
King Arthur: or, The British worthy

A grove.

<- Osmond

Now I am settled in my forceful sway

<- Grimbald

Not so fast, master, danger threatens thee

Osmond, Grimbald ->

A wood, with a large oak in the front.

<- Arthur, Merlin

Thus far it is permitted me to go

Merlin ->

No danger yet, I see no walls of fire

<- Two syrens

[N. 36 - O pass not on, but stay]

[N. 37 - Two daughters of this aged stream are we]

A lazie pleasure trickles thro' my veins

Arthur, Two syrens
<- Nymphs, Sylvans

[N. 38 - Passacaglia]

[N. 39 - How happy the lover]

One sylvan, Two nymphs
How happy the lover

[N. 40 - For love every creature]

One sylvan, Two nymphs
For love every creature

And what are these fantastick fairy joys

Two syrens, Nymphs, Sylvans ->

This goodly tree seems queen of all the grove

(Arthur strikes at the tree, and cuts it; blood spouts out of it, a groan follows, then a shriek.)

Good heav'n, what monstrous prodigies are these!

Forbear, if thou hast pity, ah, forbear!

<- Emmeline

Whom thou hast hurt, unkind and cruel, see

Arthur, Emmeline
<- Philidel

Hold, poor deluded mortal, hold thy hand

Arthur, Philidel
Emmeline ->
Arthur, Philidel
<- Grimbald

Now see to whose embraces thou wert falling

(Arthur strikes twice or trice, and the tree falls, a peal of thunder immediately follows, with dreadful howlings.)

Philidel, Grimbald
Arthur ->

Come on, my surly slave; come stalk along

Philidel, Grimbald ->

[N. 41 - Fourth Act Tune: Air]

Locandina Act the first Scene the first Scene the second Scene the third Act the second Scene the first Scene the second Scene the third Scene the fourth Scene the fifth Scene the sixth Act the third Scene the first Scene the second Act the fourth Scene the first Scene the second Act the fifth Scene the first Scene the second