
King Arthur: or, The British worthy

[N. 1 - Overture]

[N. 2 - Air]

[N. 3 - Overture]

A gothic temple, being a place of heathen worship; the three Saxon gods, Woden, Thor, and Freya, placed on pedestals.

<- Oswald, Osmond

'Tis time to hasten our mysterious rites

(Grimbald, a fierce earthy spirit, erises)

Oswald, Osmond
<- Grimbald

What news, my Grimbald?

Oswald, Osmond
Grimbald ->

Ambitious fools we are

Oswald, Osmond
<- Grimbald, Six Saxons, Priests, Aeolus, Honour, Venus

[N. 4 - Woden, first to thee]

Woden, first to thee

[N. 5 - The white horse neigh'd aloud]

The white horse neigh'd aloud

[N. 6 - The lot is cast, and Tanfan pleas'd]

The lot is cast, and Tanfan pleas'd

[N. 7 - Brave soul to be renown'd in storry]

[N. 8 - I call ye all to Woden's hall]

Honour, Chorus
I call ye all
Oswald, Osmond, Grimbald, Six Saxons, Priests, Aeolus, Honour, Venus ->

A landskip.

<- Aurelius, Albanact, Conon

Then this is the deciding day, to fix

Aurelius, Albanact, Conon
<- Arthur, Attendants

Go on, auspicious prince, the stars are kind

Aurelius, Albanact, Conon, Arthur, Attendants
<- Emmeline, Matilda

Ha! now my beauteous Emmeline appears

Aurelius, Albanact, Arthur, Attendants, Emmeline, Matilda
Conon ->

O father, father, I am sure you're here

(Trumpet sounds within.)

Why, is not that a trumpet?

Emmeline, Matilda
Arthur, Aurelius, Albanact, Attendants ->

My heart and vows go with him to the fight

Emmeline, Matilda ->

A camp, drums, trumpets, and military shouts.

Drums, Trumpets, Honour

[N. 9 - Military symphony]

[N. 10 - Come if you dare, our trumpets sound]

Drums, Trumpets, Honour ->
Locandina Act the first Scene the first Scene the second Scene the third Act the second Scene the first Scene the second Scene the third Scene the fourth Scene the fifth Scene the sixth Act the third Scene the first Scene the second Act the fourth Scene the first Scene the second Act the fifth Scene the first Scene the second