
King Arthur: or, The British worthy

[N. 11 - Introduction]

[N. 12 - Symphony]

(A general engagement between the Britons and Saxons, in which the Britons are conquerors.)

A rural prospect.

<- Philidel

Alas, for pity, of this bloody field!

(Merlin, descends to Philidel on a chariot drawn by dragons.)

<- Merlin, Spirits

What art thou, spirit? of what name or order?

Merlin, Philidel ->

A wood.

<- Grimbald, Arthur, Conon, Aurelius, Albanact, Soldiers

(Grimbald in the habit of a shepherd)

Here, this way, Britons, follow Oswald's flight

Spirits, Grimbald, Arthur, Conon, Aurelius, Albanact, Soldiers
<- Philidel, Philidel's spirits

[N. 13 - Hiter this way, this way bend]

Some wicked phantom, foe to human kind

[N. 14 - Let not a moon-born elf mislead ye]

'Tis true, he says; the footsteps yet are fresh

[N. 15 - Hither this way]

Philidel, Chorus
Hither this way

Curse on her voice, I must my prey forego

(Grimbald sinks with a flash.)

Spirits, Arthur, Conon, Aurelius, Albanact, Soldiers, Philidel, Philidel's spirits
Grimbald ->

At last the cheat is plain

[N. 16 - Come follow, follow, follow me]

Philidel, Philidel's spirits, Arthur, Conon, Aurelius, Albanact, Soldiers, Spirits ->

A camp and Emmeline's pavilion, with a bank.

<- Emmeline, Matilda

No news of my dear love, or of my father?

Emmeline, Matilda
<- Shepherds, Shepherdesses

[N. 17 - How blest are shepherds, how happy their lasses]

[N. 18 - Shepherds, shepherds, leave decoying]

[N. 19 - Horpipe]

[N. 20 - Come, shepherds, lead up a lively measure]

(Shepherds and Shepherdesses dance)

Emmeline, Matilda
Shepherds, Shepherdesses ->
Emmeline, Matilda
<- Oswald, Guillamar

The night has wilder'd us; and we are fall'n

(Oswald and Guillamar seize Emmeline and Matilda.)

Help, help! a rape, a rape!

Oswald, Guillamar, Emmeline, Matilda ->

(An alarm within; some soldiers running over the stage: Follow, follow, follow.)

<- Albanact, Soldiers

Which way went th' alarm?

Albanact, Soldiers ->

(The alarm renew; clashing of swords within for a while)

<- Albanact, Soldiers

How sits the conquest on great Arthur's brow?

Albanact, Soldiers ->

A camp at a distance.

<- Arthur, Arthur's attendants, Oswald, Guillamar, Oswald's attendants

Brave Oswald! We have met on friendlier terms

Arthur, Arthur's attendants
Oswald, Guillamar, Oswald's attendants ->

There may be one black minute e'er tomorrow

Arthur, Arthur's attendants ->

[N. 21 - Second act tune: Air]

Locandina Act the first Scene the first Scene the second Scene the third Act the second Scene the first Scene the second Scene the third Scene the fourth Scene the fifth Scene the sixth Act the third Scene the first Scene the second Act the fourth Scene the first Scene the second Act the fifth Scene the first Scene the second