

Osmyn's pavilion

<- Rodulpho, Amelia

(Casimir, chain'd at the entry; Rodulpho is in a Turkish habit; Amelia likewise disguised)

Thus far, dread princess!

Rodulpho, Amelia ->

A gallery.

Augusta, Attendants

What, gone! impossible! it cannot be

Augusta ->

Osmyn's pavilion.

Casimir, Osmyn, Rodulpho, Amelia

Tell me, my mussulman

Osmyn, Amelia, Rodulpho ->

O for a deadly instrument, to end

<- Osmyn, Amelia, Rodulpho, Guards

Joy of my heart! the longer I converse

Darest thou obstruct my way?

At your request he lives

Osmyn, Amelia
Casimir, Rodulpho, Guards ->

Now, the delightful object of my soul!

Locandina Act the first Scene the first Scene the second Scene the third Scene the fourth Scene the fifth Scene the sixth Scene the seventh. Scene the eighth Act the second Scene the first Scene the second Scene the third Scene the fourth Scene the fifth Scene the sixth Act the third Scene the first Scene the second Scene the third Scene the fourth Scene the fifth Scene the sixth Scene the seventh Scene the eighth Scene the ninth